The AHDR, partner of MAKINGHISTORIES, is an intercommunal organisation based in Cyprus, whose mission is to contribute to the advancement of historical understanding among the public and more specifically among children, youth and educators, by providing access to learning opportunities for individuals of every ability and every ethnic, religious, cultural and social background, based on the respect for diversity and the dialogue of ideas. AHDR’s activities include research and dissemination of research findings; development of policy recommendations; enrichment of library and archives; organisation of teacher training seminars, discussions and conferences; publication of educational materials; organisation of on-site visits and walks; development of outreach tools; establishment of synergies between individuals and organisations at local, European and international level.
One of the educational materials that they have published lately is the book How to Introduce Gender in History Teaching. This book may be freely accessed here.
“How to Introduce Gender in History Teaching is a pioneering book about working with gender when teaching history in school. It is thorough, varied and accessible. The fi rst chapter contains a historiography of women’s and gender history, and an overview of what has been published about women’s history in Cyprus, covering both the Turkish and Greek communities. The second chapter presents research on the language and content of curricula, textbooks and other teaching materials, done specifi cally by the writers for this project. The third and last chapter consists of eight concrete lesson plans covering themes dealing with women’s and gender history, developed by the writing team in cooperation with the UK expert Dr Dean Smart, senior lecturer in history and citizenship education at the University of the West of England.
The book was researched and written by a team of young Cypriots from both the Greek and the Turkish communities: Tegiye Birey, Georgina Christou, Faika Deniz Pasha and Loizos Loukaidis.”
(from the foreword by Dr. Elisabeth Lønnå, Educational Consultant, Norway)